Friday, April 17, 2009



I haven't updated my blog in quite some time, but honestly I have had no idea what to say. The reason for that is not that I do not have things to say, but more so that I have so much to say that I cannot quite figure out where to start.

Let's start at the end. Seems logical, don't ya think?

On April 2, 2009 a very long, winding, FUN adventure came to an end. The two-hour ER Series Finale aired while my mind reeled around what this would mean. I already posted a long account of my fears and sorrows where the ending of ER is concerned, so I won't do it again. What I will do is make a few brief comments about the actual final episode. Granted, it will mean nothing to anyone who doesn't know the show or didn't see the episode, but deal. I was THRILLED to see Rachel Greene appear as a hopeful soon-to-be med student. It made perfect sense to me to see her there, and of course it made it perfectly plausible that Elizabeth would be in town. Kerry and Susan were logical choices to be in attendance at Carter's grand opening, and OF COURSE it couldn't happen without Benton. Seeing Reese was a pleasure! The chemistry between Benton and Elizabeth was entertaining, although misplaced, I thought. Generally, it was a well-executed episode that very nicely summed up the fifteen year-long drama that is ER and successfully made me cry. I thank John Wells, Michael Crichton (may he rest in peace), and Warner Bros. for a job well done and an amazing fifteen years.

Okay, so moving backwards, we come to April 1. I started my job at Chase Bank (which most people in this area are still referring to as Washington Mutual). I was hired on as a Senior Teller with discussion of moving to a New Accounts desk, possibly as soon as June or July. Right now I'm only part time, but if I get the promotion I will become full time. I truly hope this happens as soon as possible, because part-time really isn't enough to pay the bills, but I am very thankful to have a job at all, so I'm not complaining. Honestly, if it becomes clear that I won't be full-time in the near future, I'll probably start looking for a second job.

We now find ourselves at March 31. It was my nephew's 17th birthday (shout out to Todd!) and we were preparing our family of five to get in the car and head for the festivities in Folsom. I, however, had been struggling with some suspicions that I could not shake, and although it was not the most opportune time, I gave in to my need to know the truth RIGHT before we were supposed to walk out the door. So, without any further ado, I will share my truth with you, my reading public. ;)

Jay and I are thrilled to announce that we are expecting our fourth child! Based on my calculations, I am due late November 2009. My first OB appointment is on May 5. I had to choose a new OB, because Dr. Lane (who delivered both Jacob and Julianna) retired from obstetrics last year. This is very hard for me, but I'm sure my new OB will be fabulous. Using a Roseville-based OB will allow me to deliver at Sutter Roseville's new Family Birthing Center, too, and that's exciting! I thoroughly believe that this is another boy I carry, but that remains to be seen. I don't really want to find out ahead of time, but Jay sort of does, so we haven't decided for sure.

God is good! He has a plan for our family which I will faithfully follow. He continues to bless us daily and has shown His love yet again!!

So, it was a busy week. Oh, and we were late to Todd's birthday gathering. :)

I will post more another day, but I must run to the grocery store. Ta ta.

1 comment:

TinkerTenor said...

Hooray for more babies! Guess it took too long for me to read this but I enjoyed it anyway!