My ten-year high school reunion was last weekend. TEN YEARS, MAN!
((Didn't anyone besides me see Grosse Pointe Blank??))
So, anyway... wow! I cannot believe how much has changed since high school. There are the obvious things: husband, kids, moving, working, not working. Then there are some less obvious things relating to my personal experiences... I was baptized, I've been through agony and elation, I've dealt with the California Family Court system, I've gotten to know my grandmother better, I've become closer with my mother and my sister, I've learned to appreciate what is good about California, I've missed the Midwest, and I've really figured out who I am.
I'm inspired to write
Top Ten Things I've Learned In The Last Ten Years
10. Diaper Smell will permeate any container the diapers are in.
9. Declaw your cat the day you find out you're pregnant.
8. You will become your parents and that's okay. Deal.
7. Grocery shopping is harder than it looks.
6. Take pictures.
5. Send thank you cards.
4. Cherish your siblings.
3. Make "I love you" a common phrase in your home and always say it like you mean it.
2. Family before friends. Friends before work.
1. God is knocking. Open Up.
Here's to the Grayslake Community High School Class of 1998! Go Rams!
((I feel compelled to disclose that I did not actually attend my reunion because it was six states away, but I wanted to be there and have still been profoundly impacted by its occurrence))
4 years ago
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